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Showing posts with label Soi Bua Khaow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soi Bua Khaow. Show all posts

Monday, 4 March 2013

Pattaya - All inclusive - Sex with accommodation

Cheap Sex and Accommodation in Pattaya
Looking for budget sex with accommodation while on holiday in Pattaya? Well I`ll prove to you how you can have both, for about 1,000Baht a night (that`s about £20,00). If you want to know how to get this “all-inclusive deal”, and can`t believe it`s possible …… then read on, - l`ll prove it to you.

There`s 1,000s of bar girls, rooms and hotels in Pattaya, so sex is always close to hand and plentiful in supply. If you followed my earlier advice, you may have reserved a room or hotel for your first night of your holiday. That`s good, but not essential as it`s difficult to be anywhere in Pattaya, without having
a cheap hotel, guest house or room within a few hundred yards of the bar where you`re drinking.

When looking for cheap accommodation, always ask around in the bars near to where you want to stay. If you`ve never been to pattaya before, then l recommend Soi Bua Khaow, as it`s a great place to start. It`s more than likely that the bar bosses will know of somewhere close by, if not then ask the bar girls. It`s guaranteed they’ve spent a lot of time in nearby hotels and short term rooms with customers, lying on their backs counting the cracks in the ceiling.

Right then, let`s suppose that you have found accommodation (a room/hotel or guest house)for your first night, so now let`s see how we can get a “deal” of sex with a room for around 1,000 Baht a day!

Most bar girls in Pattaya share a room. Even today, it`s not unusual for bar girls to sleep on the floor, or even under the counter at the bar where they work! Given the opportunity, they`ll sleep anywhere, at any time, so it`s no problem for them to sleep as many as six to a room, (even more in some instances)! But as always there are exceptions to this, and these “exceptions “are the bar girls you should be looking out for.

The odds are they won`t be one of the younger ones, as most of the “new bar girls” that work in Pattaya come from the surrounding towns and villages, and have little money or education. However, on the other hand, there are bar girls and certainly girls from the Ago-Go`s, who are far more lucrative than the "newcomers". With that in mind, it`s not uncommon to find that many girls share a room with one other girlfriend or sister (as the Thai`s call them). There`s also those who are financially independent, and as such can afford and prefer to have their own rooms.

These are the bar girls to find - so make sure you add “you stay alone in room"? to your “chat up the bar girl” vocabulary! If she tells you she shares her room with many “sisters”, then put her on the short time list. as now it`s time to move on. However, if the bar girl says that she shares with one other sister, then you may still be in luck. It`s not unusual that her room-mate may have been whisked off to Phuket, Chang Mai, Kho Samet, or somewhere exotic by a falang, and temporarily leaving your bar girl the room - all to herself. If the bar girl says “I stay alone in room” – then bingo, you`ve hit the jackpot!

So. If you fancy her and think that you can spend a week or more "living with her", then even before you even think about committing to long term relationship - bar fine her and take her for one evening only! In doing so, you will find out if the two of you are compatible, but more importantly you can check out your potentially “new free accommodation”. Most Thai bar girls are exceptionally clean, so it`s unlikely that the room will be a tip. So if she`s ticked all your requirements, and the room`s clean and up to your expectations, then now`s the time try to negotiate an extended term rate with your bar girl.

If you agree terms with her, and that will obviously include you staying in her room - free of charge - then the deals all but sealed. Only the outstanding bar fine remains to be paid each day. All told, you should have now secured a bar girl for sex and "free" accommodation for around about 1,000 baht a day as part of the all inclusive deal!

People may say they don`t believe it can be done. Well trust me, I have had two different bar girls renting their own rooms in pattaya, and another bar girl whose room-mate was away visiting her falang in Germany. I know it can be achieved. I also know that some of you will say that there`s “No chance of a free room from a bar girl” and they`d also be wrong. Away from the peak Christmas season in Pattaya, there`s often far too many bar girls that greatly out number the sex tourists. So any bar girl will throw in the room – which she has to pay for anyway – in the hope of getting a longer term commitment (money) from a holiday maker. 

So there you have it, and if you can find cheaper sex with accommodation anywhere in Pattaya, then I`d love to hear from you!

Just one final word of advice – Never ever pay your bar girl in advance, as there`s every chance that you might return to find a note pinned to the door saying “Gone home to Nakorn Nowhere – back in three weeks"!

 Whoever you go with, and whatever accommodation you     stay in, be careful and one things for sure – 
you`ll have a marvelous fun time in Pattaya
Don`t delay do it today, 

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Looking for sex on holiday in Pattaya


Going to Pattaya on holiday, and looking for sex? Even regular visitors find it hard to keep pace with the ever changing sex industry, so here`s a few pointers to help you. 

The days where everybody headed straight for Walking Street and the bars along the beach front to go and find sex on holiday in Pattaya are rapidly diminishing – simply because they are gradually being relocated to a new area! It`s still fair to say, that Walking Street still boasts as many A Go-Go bars as most, but if you`re not specifically looking for sex with a dancer from A Go-Go bar, there`s not much else there to entice or entertain the holiday sex tourist! Even on the beach front, there`s only one sizeable beer bar complex remaining, and that`s at the top of soi 7/8! So in Pattaya on holiday where do you go for sex, fun and bars?

Well, Soi 6 is still pretty much untouched, and as such it still remains the number one favourite for holiday makers seeking “short time sex”. Apart from the usual bar name changes, (and yet another Lady Boy Bar appearing), the short time sex bars remain pretty much unchanged – thankfully! If you`ve never been, it`s difficult to imagine 100`s of skimpily clad young girls all in a variety of sexy outfits that`ll suit even your wildest fantasies. So if you haven`t already been, you must check out this sex haven, and in doing so - l guarantee, you won`t be disappointed!

As I mentioned, Soi 7 and 8, are still the most visited and populated bar complexes that holiday makers go to and find sex with the bar- girls while on holiday in Pattaya, but even now the world famous sex beer bars are not quite as plentiful. Many of them are being replaced by “new developments” - hotels, shops and businesses and such. So is Pattayas`s lucrative sex industry under threat? NO - Not on your life - as it`s all beginning to re-emerge here:-

SOI BUA KHAOW! (Pronounced “Soy Bew-Cow”). This is rapidly becoming the No1 choice for holiday makers looking to go and find sex in Pattaya. It boasts an array of A Go-Go’s, Beer Bars, Massage Parlours, Clubs and Discos - in fact any facility that offers sex will be found there, and every night of the week - it`s rocking from the rafters - Guaranteed!

What`s more, it`s rapidly expanding, and moving down to Third road, where more often than not - you`ll now find the occasional A-Go Go, Disco and Beer Bar popping up here and there. For example, look for The Oasis A-Go-Go in the centre of Soi Bua Khaow, and take a walk down the adjacent Soi. Buried in the array of sex massage parlours here you`ll find Crazy Dave’s. Great English food at ridiculous prices, where a traditional blowout breakfast is available all day at 85 bhat – so it`s well worth a visit – (no sex here though) just good food!

When entering the Soi, look to the left, another small soi appears furnished with new bars, restaurants and hotels! Again, due to the fierce competition in Pattaya, these are all very reasonably priced to entice the holiday maker in, and as such maybe another reason why Walking Street appears to be on the decline! However, sex with the girls is no cheaper for the holiday maker here - than anywhere else in Pattaya, (although the more “sliver tounged negotiators” might beg to differ with me!).

Walk to the very end, and that will take you down to third road. Here, you might be looking at “The New Pattaya Sex Scene” for the immediate future. Just to your right, there`s a huge area, that`s been cleared, and as yet nothing has been developed. Why? It could make yet another terrific Beer Bar complex to rival anything on this scale in pattaya. Even on the “other side” of Third Road, a new and fully modernised K L Metro Hotel is already under construction, so why invest in an area “off the beaten track”? Do they know something we don`t? Could it be an early indication that the thriving holiday Pattaya sex trade - so long established in Soi 6/7/8 and maybe even Walking Street - is ready to relocate in accordance with the governments wishes to “clean up the "seedy sex image of Pattaya”? If so what a great place it would be, as a further extension to the already booming sex industry Soi Bua Khaow! 

But for now, as a frequent sex holiday maker to Pattaya, I`m more than happy with the current sex industry's new location , where further developments and facilities can only mean cheaper prices for us all to enjoy! Bring it on!

I hope this guide on “where to go and find sex on holiday in Pattaya" proves useful, and if you find any other new major areas of (sex) interest, it would be great to hear from you!


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