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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Pattaya - Girl Strip Clubs With Girl Strippers

Guide to Pattaya`s Clubs with Girl Strippers &  Strip Clubs

Are you looking for a “girl strip clubs” in Pattaya, or a clubs with girl strippers? Well, apart from The Russian strip clubs, there`s very few clubs that exclusively have female Thai ladies and girl strippers. Most establishments in Pattaya that have erotic dancers and girl strippers will be found under the guise of Gentlemen’s Clubs, AGO-GO`s and even there`s even one or two in some of the Discos!

The most lavish and expensive clubs to watch strippers will certainly be in the very expensive Gentlemen`s clubs. Mainly owned by Russians, here you will find East European girl strippers. They boast luxurious décor, complimented by experienced and well trained staff. As such, paying an entrance fee or a temporary membership is to be expected. 

Drop dead gorgeous “Hostesses and escorts” (the polite name for hookers), will escort you to your table, or simply sit with you at the bar if you prefer. In addition, you will constantly be entertained by one of the many “themed” floor and cabaret shows. These will all have at least one girl stripper, but more often than not several girl strippers who perform well rehearsed nude lesbian acts. In addition, all the girl strippers that come from Eastern Europe, are also available for additional sexual services. Well-appointed short time rooms are readily available on the premises, where you can take one or more of the girl strippers for extra activities! There are also other facilities, and when requested, the girl strippers will perform a “lap dance” in private for you. The strippers will also go with you to your hotel if preferred, (after the customary bar fine has been paid of course). However, if you simply want to watch strippers everything here is extremely expensive, and in many cases extortionate! As an example, It`s not uncommon for a “voluntary” collection to be made, while you`re just sitting and admiring the girl strippers and the shows!

In my opinion Pattaya`s many AGO-GO clubs, offer a far better and more reasonable deal for you to go and watch beautiful Thai girl strippers. Although it`s against Thai law to perform nude in public, it`s becomingly increasingly harder to find one AGO-GO club in Pattaya that doesn`t have girl strippers. The young Thai girls, start work as dancers, but soon become girl strippers when they realise that there`s additional cash incentives to be made!

In these clubs, on stage a dancer or stripper gyrates around the pole topless - or fully nude - simply because she needs to earn extra cash. She becomes a stripper for the money, and contrary to popular belief - not to lure the holiday maker into paying her bar fine - although it does help! Due to fierce competition girl strippers have become “the norm” in the majority of Pattaya`s AGO-GO clubs

                                                                                                       Here, sexy girl strippers can be seen working as pole dancers, but
again  it`s the “nude themed” floor shows that provide the popular erotic entertainment for the holiday maker. Up to six strippers (that you may have seen pole dancing in the club earlier), will perform fully nude sensual acts of lesbianism - these leave very little to even the wildest imagination. If you want a personal showing from one or more of the available girl strippers, there`s always modest short term rooms on the club to satisfy your curiosity! All the girl strippers and dancers in The AGO-GO` clubs are available for “private skulduggery “, so after paying their bar fines, they will willingly accompany you to your room or hotel. 

Pattaya`s numerous AGO-GO clubs, in my opinion, offer a far more relaxed atmosphere and a more affordable alternative, where you can see and meet the most beautiful young Thai girl strippers and sexy dancers. Overall it`s far less expensive and formal than the (Russian) gentlemen’s clubs, as the AGO-GO`s offer free admission, no collections, and the girl strippers and dancers are much more friendlier too!

Are you worried about the cost of meeting and watching girl strippers at a gentleman's club or in an AGO-GO? Well don`t be! As a cheaper option, what about those stunning bar girls you`ve seen seducing the pole in their own bars? They will become erotic dancers and strippers for a night in the privacy of your own hotel room for sure – providing the price is right of course - just like everything else in Pattaya !

      So whether you go with girl strippers, bar girls or erotic dancers 
                          when on holiday, take care, have fun 
                   and you`ll have a tremendous time in Pattaya!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Pattaya - All inclusive - Sex with accommodation

Cheap Sex and Accommodation in Pattaya
Looking for budget sex with accommodation while on holiday in Pattaya? Well I`ll prove to you how you can have both, for about 1,000Baht a night (that`s about £20,00). If you want to know how to get this “all-inclusive deal”, and can`t believe it`s possible …… then read on, - l`ll prove it to you.

There`s 1,000s of bar girls, rooms and hotels in Pattaya, so sex is always close to hand and plentiful in supply. If you followed my earlier advice, you may have reserved a room or hotel for your first night of your holiday. That`s good, but not essential as it`s difficult to be anywhere in Pattaya, without having
a cheap hotel, guest house or room within a few hundred yards of the bar where you`re drinking.

When looking for cheap accommodation, always ask around in the bars near to where you want to stay. If you`ve never been to pattaya before, then l recommend Soi Bua Khaow, as it`s a great place to start. It`s more than likely that the bar bosses will know of somewhere close by, if not then ask the bar girls. It`s guaranteed they’ve spent a lot of time in nearby hotels and short term rooms with customers, lying on their backs counting the cracks in the ceiling.

Right then, let`s suppose that you have found accommodation (a room/hotel or guest house)for your first night, so now let`s see how we can get a “deal” of sex with a room for around 1,000 Baht a day!

Most bar girls in Pattaya share a room. Even today, it`s not unusual for bar girls to sleep on the floor, or even under the counter at the bar where they work! Given the opportunity, they`ll sleep anywhere, at any time, so it`s no problem for them to sleep as many as six to a room, (even more in some instances)! But as always there are exceptions to this, and these “exceptions “are the bar girls you should be looking out for.

The odds are they won`t be one of the younger ones, as most of the “new bar girls” that work in Pattaya come from the surrounding towns and villages, and have little money or education. However, on the other hand, there are bar girls and certainly girls from the Ago-Go`s, who are far more lucrative than the "newcomers". With that in mind, it`s not uncommon to find that many girls share a room with one other girlfriend or sister (as the Thai`s call them). There`s also those who are financially independent, and as such can afford and prefer to have their own rooms.

These are the bar girls to find - so make sure you add “you stay alone in room"? to your “chat up the bar girl” vocabulary! If she tells you she shares her room with many “sisters”, then put her on the short time list. as now it`s time to move on. However, if the bar girl says that she shares with one other sister, then you may still be in luck. It`s not unusual that her room-mate may have been whisked off to Phuket, Chang Mai, Kho Samet, or somewhere exotic by a falang, and temporarily leaving your bar girl the room - all to herself. If the bar girl says “I stay alone in room” – then bingo, you`ve hit the jackpot!

So. If you fancy her and think that you can spend a week or more "living with her", then even before you even think about committing to long term relationship - bar fine her and take her for one evening only! In doing so, you will find out if the two of you are compatible, but more importantly you can check out your potentially “new free accommodation”. Most Thai bar girls are exceptionally clean, so it`s unlikely that the room will be a tip. So if she`s ticked all your requirements, and the room`s clean and up to your expectations, then now`s the time try to negotiate an extended term rate with your bar girl.

If you agree terms with her, and that will obviously include you staying in her room - free of charge - then the deals all but sealed. Only the outstanding bar fine remains to be paid each day. All told, you should have now secured a bar girl for sex and "free" accommodation for around about 1,000 baht a day as part of the all inclusive deal!

People may say they don`t believe it can be done. Well trust me, I have had two different bar girls renting their own rooms in pattaya, and another bar girl whose room-mate was away visiting her falang in Germany. I know it can be achieved. I also know that some of you will say that there`s “No chance of a free room from a bar girl” and they`d also be wrong. Away from the peak Christmas season in Pattaya, there`s often far too many bar girls that greatly out number the sex tourists. So any bar girl will throw in the room – which she has to pay for anyway – in the hope of getting a longer term commitment (money) from a holiday maker. 

So there you have it, and if you can find cheaper sex with accommodation anywhere in Pattaya, then I`d love to hear from you!

Just one final word of advice – Never ever pay your bar girl in advance, as there`s every chance that you might return to find a note pinned to the door saying “Gone home to Nakorn Nowhere – back in three weeks"!

 Whoever you go with, and whatever accommodation you     stay in, be careful and one things for sure – 
you`ll have a marvelous fun time in Pattaya
Don`t delay do it today, 

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Cheapest & best sex with a Pattaya Bar Girl

Sex in Pattaya Sex with a bar girl
& where to find the cheapest and best sex
So everybody’s an expert on sex in Pattaya, where to find the cheapest sex, and what`s the best sex with a bar girl – right! Well l`ll tell you now, nobody knows all the answers! You may sit in a bar listening to guys who have been there, got the T shirts, and they`ll tell you where you can have cheap sex with a bargirl for 100 baht. The truth is maybe you can, but why do it?

Sex in Pattaya is very cheap! It`s well cheap when compared to the sex options at home. You haven`t got bar girls, massage parlours offering sex services, or girls you bump into on the street offering you sex every minute of the day – but hey, if this is what you’re after there`s nothing wrong with that in Pattaya! It`s a sex paradise – so what do you do, is up to you?

Sex is EVERYWHERE In Pattaya – so how do YOU handle it? The beautiful seductive “innocent” bar girls are in your face 24/7! At times they can even appear intimidating (if you let them), but overall they appear seductive and charming. Never be fooled though, sex to them is like a snack, it`s just sex – and nothing else. In a day or two you may find your hormones control your brain – so why is this? You`ve only had sex with a few of 50,000+ available bar girls, so why is this one the one you want to marry and take home to mum and dad? She`s probably had sex with 200+ guys before you`ve even “ruffled her feathers” so what makes her so special?

                                                                                                                          Many of the old diehards talk rubbish. As expats they think they know everything but when it comes to sex, they know sweet F/A. They`ll trawl the bars late, looking for the sad bar girl who`ll offer sex for next to nothing. In my opinion that is exploitation, because sex is so cheap anyhow. So how clever is he who boasts of cheap sex with a bar girl that he`s given a pittance to? Despite the poor bar girls having little or no money, the ex (know-all- pat) will boast about cheap sex with this and that bargirl, but what he won`t tell you is that she probably won`t “work” i.e. give him pleasurable sex, because more than likely she`ll just study the ceiling, read a book and even watch the TV while he`s having sex – and I don`t blame her! Sex with a bar girl can be bliss if you pay her, but she`ll never perform summersaults if you give her next to nothing! You pay for sex in Pattaya, and if you don`t pay - then you get very little or nothing in return.

So where and how do you find the cheapest and best sex in Pattaya? Listen, if you want to sit “glued” to the bar stool all night having a beer and a leer at the stunning beauties surrounding you, that`s great! But the bar girls look deeper! As always, money will be their prime objective, but if they`ve got to “work” (have sex) then they want to be with a guy - whose fun to be with. They want a guy that`s so funny – they may even give him free sex at some stage” - yes FREE sex – it doesn`t come any cheaper than that now does it?

So be different from all the “others” at the bar, and remember bar girls have heard all the “bulls**t” many times over! Be patient, smile, laugh and show you`re having fun. Be touchy (but don`t grope her), and remember signs and gestures overcome all language barriers. More than anything, be courteous and the chances are your bar girl will come over to YOU! They usually do – so if you`ve got charisma – a good sense of humour and look fun- the girls will want to be with you – sex is secondary, and if you play your cards right by keeping them amused, it might even lead to complimentary free sex!

Most bar girls are generally lonely, they`re all hired to provide sex, so to most of them having sex and fun a real bonus! You`re on holiday, so what`s wrong in cutting loose and behaving like the class clown – having sex – and even better “no strings” fun and sex?  Nothing whatsoever! So if you`re an entertainer, enjoyable fun sex will be offered by numerous stunning bargirls! Who knows, this can even lead to free sex?

Have a wonderful time in Pattaya, but please be careful. Never tell a bar girl that it`s your first time in Pattaya, and never let her know that you`re traveling alone! Apart from that hold onto your wallet, always smile and have great fun, because that`s what a holiday in Pattaya is all about – so enjoy it to the full – because you can!

There`s some great deals out there for flights and accommodation to Pattaya - so what you waiting for? Start searching for that dream holiday right now!


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