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Sunday, 8 July 2012

Probably The Cheapest Sex in Pattaya


If you`ve been following my previous articles on Cheap Sex in Pattaya, then you`ll be thinking to yourself “surely sex can`t get any cheaper”, well you`d be wrong! 

Pattaya beach and the accompanying prom (walkway), is a popular working area for many of the girls offering sex. Here you can got sex extremely cheaply, but be very, very careful.

In the bars, clubs and Ago-go`s of Pattaya where the girls also offer cheap sex, these establishments should always retain a copy of the girls ID cards. In theory, that`s your insurance and a good enough reason on its own to pay the a bar fine.  However, if you see the girl of your dreams, or are offered a very tempting cheap sex deal that`s too good to resist – from a girl working on The Pattaya Beach Promenade - then you`re out on your own! Never ever forget, that all the girls working the beach promenade in Pattaya are of “no fixed abode”! You`ve agreed to have cheap sex with her in your hotel or room, and all you know about her – is the name she has chosen to give you! So please be extremely careful! I would personally recommend that these girls are avoided, as there`s 100`s of safer options of cheap sex throughout Pattaya, but many holiday makers still go for this risky, but cheaper sex option.

Most of the day, and night in, there`s always an assortment of working girls in all shapes, sizes, and ages - offering cheap sex for the holiday maker! Take a stroll through, and have a look – it cost`s nothing! Start at Walking Street end, and head towards The Dolphin Roundabout. Depending on the time of day, you might see a couple of dozen working girls, but at peak times (usually from 8pm), there can be well in excess of a hundred or more.

You should notice a few of the girls work alone, but generally you`ll find they work in groups of two or more. Never ever dive straight in with both feet using the proverbial chat up line “How Much”! Pattaya is constantly promoting its image as a safe family holiday resort, and as such not all the girls are working, or indeed offering cheap sex.  By offending the wrong lady, you could easily end up with a slap in the face, and even the police being called! Even though cheap sex is readily available, prostitution is illegal in Pattaya, and you will be in serious trouble, so it`s a good idea to just start a general humorous conversation, with the girl(s). If she`s working, then in the next couple of minutes she`ll let you know for sure, after which you can start negotiating cheap sex with her. As many of the girls work The Pattaya Beach Promenade in groups, it`s an ideal opportunity to negotiate cheap sex with a couple of the girls! Not only should you get a very favourable rate – but as the girls are let`s say “familiar with each other”, it should be double the fun! However, it can also be “double dangerous” too- so please be careful!

So what will cheap sex with a girl 
working from The Beach Promenade in Pattaya cost?

Now even before you start cheap sex negotiations with her, please bear in mind there`s no bar fine or lady drinks to pay for, so in theory you`ll be at least 500B (£10.00) better off to start with! The odds are, she`ll ask the same price as a bar girl which is generally 1,000B (£20.00) for full sex Lasting about an hour. That`s what she`ll ask for – but how much you finally agree for cheap sex with her – like everything else in Pattaya my friend, that will be “up to you”! I have heard rumours that cheap sex can be had from girls working The Beach Promenade in Pattaya, for as little as 500B! That may be true, and good luck to you if can negotiate a similar deal – but more importantly take extra care when having cheap sex with these girls!

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