Pattaya Bar Girls - Advice, Tips and Guidance.
Overall, Thailand especially Pattaya is a very safe and
pleasant resort to take a holiday. Not only are the state police accommodating,
but they have tourist police to look after your best interests too.
my personal tips to make sure your dream holiday in Pattaya Thailand is enjoyable and
1. Here`s my first tip. Thinking of going with a bar girl? Then you should
always check or ask if a copy ID is held by the bar or go-go, where she works
in Pattaya before paying the bar fine. It`s assumed they always do, but they don`t (especially with new bar girls), so
check this, or you can wake up the next morning with no bar girl, and no
wallet. This holiday tip also eliminates the possibility of ending up at the
ranch with a lady boy!
2. How much money
will I need when drinking in the beer bars of Pattaya? My advice is to carry as
much as you intend to spend - and not a penny more. Don`t try to impress by
flashing the cash. The bigger the wad, the bigger the target you may become. Most
bargirls in Pattaya have boyfriends, and a tip off that a holiday maker carries
a lot of cash, can make you easy prey.
3. Can I take a
bar girl from a bar, where I`ve previously bar fined another one? No way! This
is simple "etiquette" anywhere in Thailand, and Pattaya is no
exception. It`s deemed extremely rude, and bad manners to embarrass any bar
girl in front of others - the consequences can be alarming – believe me!
4. Is it safe to
take a verbal assurance for anything - especially matters of finance? It`s not!
While on holiday in Pattaya you may hire a
motorcycle for example, and if you have problems, never take a verbal assurance
that you will be refunded for your outlay for repairs carried out by a third
party. Even if they`ve “agreed to refund you” - It won`t happen! My tip is to return
it to the “source”, or get them to come and collect it.
5. Your bar girl asks you to buy her a gold gift
when your holiday in Pattaya is over! No matter how she pleads, don`t fall for
this! She is only in the shop simply to choose the most expensive item and
negotiate the "buy back" price that she`ll collect as soon as you`re
on the plane. It`s just another ploy to extract more money from the naive
holiday maker. That could be you, so my advice is simple - don`t do it!
6. In Pattaya it`s acceptable to "negotiate"
terms for almost everything – so always haggle. You may think it`s clever to
joke about how cheap everything is, including how cheap it is to go with a
bar girl, but never let your mouth run away with you. I would advise that in
public and when discussing sensitive matters, try to do this out of earshot of
others and be discrete.
7. When in Pattaya
try not to fall in love or listen to sob stories. You`re simply a walking ATM.
Never forget this. You will never be anything other than a walking ATM. Thais
are very loyal to their families, their culture and each other. You cannot and
never will break this bond.
8. Do I need
holiday insurance in Pattaya? My advice is definitely -yes! Please don`t think “It`ll
never happen to you”. Always be safe on holiday, so take out an insurance
policy with a reputable company. Never forget that you`re on holiday in a completely
different environment, where it`s easy to slip on the wet tiled floors or to be
involved in a road accident, as they are different to what you`re use to at home.
This is one of my top Pattaya holiday tips, so please take my guidance, and don`t travel uninsured.
9. Here`s another
important Pattaya holiday tip. Bar girls must never be seen to lose face –
especially in front of, or by a falang (that`s you and I). Pride, self-respect,
and being patriotic are paramount to all Thais, and
Pattaya is no exception. Never ever put a bar girl in an embarrassing situation, or
try to compromise her. If you stupidly do, my money`s on the bar-girl! Make sure you take my advice on this one!
10. What should I do, if I find myself in an awkward situation
with a bar girl in Pattaya? Well, if it`s unavoidable, try to make a light
hearted gesture of the situation. Bar girls will view any sign of aggression,
shouting, and ranting and raving as a sign of weakness. My advice would be to
remain calm, try to make light-hearted fun of the situation and always smile.
Diplomacy is a stronger asset than violence or aggression.
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