Your holiday "experience" in Pattaya starts as soon as you sit at a beer bar. So what makes a good beer bar in Pattaya?
sparsely furnished - don`t be fooled! All the holiday beer bars in Pattaya are
well planned full "service" industries that are cleverly geared up to
give you the ultimate holiday experience of a lifetime! They don`t look much,
but beer bars can give you everything you could possibly dream of - and more!
If it`s not on the menu (what menu?), ask the bargirls politely, and if it`s
not available in their bar - they`ll do their utmost to find it for you!
Remember – they want you in their bar every single day - while you`re on holiday in
holiday beer bars in Pattaya are built outside. They`re grouped together,
rectangular by design and regimentally surrounded by bar stools. Each bar has a
TV, a deep chest chiller which is topped-up with beer on a regular basis, an
(often too loud) music system, and most have a "pool" table too,
normally it`s free but check it out before playing. Oh, and the other
"pull" - bargirls - yes, bargirls - the most essential "optional
extra" for your holiday! Nearly every bar has at least one lady boy too,
so there`s something for everyone on holiday in Pattaya!
your backsides even touched the barstool, one or two of the bargirls will home
in and greet you instantly asking if "you like drink”? So what drinks do
they have? The most established brands of shorts, mixers, alco-pops, and shots,
will all be readily available, as in any other beer bar in Pattaya. Beer
however, is a different ball game! Unfortunately Pattayas beer bars do not have
cellars to keep draught beer cold. As a result beer is sold mainly in bottles,
(although referred to as "beer" it`s more like lager). Leo, Chang,
Singha and Heineken are the leading contenders, and as you`re on holiday try
them all over a period of time and decide what beer does it for you - be
careful not to ruin your holiday though, as Chang Beer can reputably give you a
belter of a head the next day!. After ordering, your bottle of beer will be
served to you ice cold, and placed in a “chiller pot” so it stays cold. If
you`d like a glass, just ask for a "gel" (pronounced
"gewl"), and without even asking, your bargirl will carefully pour
the beer for you too!
So now you`ve
got your beer and you`re settling in comfortably - maybe you`ve even bought the
ever attentive bargirl(s) a drink? The conversation`s good, you`ve exchanged
names, smiles, gestures, holiday stuff and the you`ve played games with the
bargirl, so what`s next? Now that really is up to you! The beer bar you`re in,
is there to make your holiday complete, so if it`s not happening - make it happen.
There`s no food in sight and you`re hungry, so ask politely - the bargirls will
gladly "go buy for you", or they`ll ask you to wait until a food cart
passes the bar - then they`ll "go do for you"! Want some cigarettes
or tissues, like some help and advice, or what about an ice cold towel? The
bargirls will look after you 100%, because, that`s exactly what they do
superbly well! If they don`t, there`s plenty of other beer bars in Pattaya with
bargirls that gladly will.
The bargirls
are all available for hostess/escort activities as well, but you`ll have to pay
a bar-fine to take them away from the bar. It`s totally different from when a
bargirl offers to nip out and buy something for you, so don`t worry, there`s no
bar fine or fee to pay, just a smile and a small tip for her will do the trick.
she`s only doing her job, by keeping you (unwittingly) in her bar – still drinking
beer and having a fun holiday!Quite simply,
they all look beautiful and innocent, but never underestimate the ulterior
motives of a bargirl - especially those from Pattaya!
So what makes a good beer bar in
Pattaya? Well quite simply - you can!Simply ask a bargirl politely for
anything you`d like - and it`s as good as done.On that note, have tremendous fun and
enjoy your holiday experience in Pattaya.
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